
Published on 30 October 2024 at 10:06

This is a newer border i started.  All the ferns were transplanted from an area where they grow wild.  They love full sun.  I also added some sunpatients and lemon grass.


I get really stressed out while traveling and worry about my plants getting enough water.  These spikes are great for using large bottles to water while you're gone

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Who doesn't hate weeds?  I struggle with them in Florida but it has gotten better over time.  I stopped using harmful products such as Roundup and started making my own weed killer.  I was very skeptical at first but it's been working very well.  

I actually repurposed the large Roundup bottle and mix the following:

1 gal vinegar

2 c salt

1/4 c dawn

Mix vinegar and salt, shake well and let sit for an hour.

Add dawn and shake lightly


I've always loved these but never was successful keeping them alive until i moved to Florida.  I found the perfect shady spot for them.  The taller one i have had for 3 years.  the little one I just added.

Indoor Plants

Another thing i never was successful with was indoor plants.  I finally found some I can't kill.  Only require water once a week.  My Christmas Cactus is 3 years old and My Money Tree is 3 months old.


I tried propagating for the first time using Spider Plants.  I think it's going great so far!

I've also been able to propagate succulents and have even grown an air plant in here!


I started growing these by Chopping off the top of a pineapple and planting it.  They do great as long as critters don't come steal them!  This is my third year I have had little pineapples grow!

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